Thursday, March 15, 2007

Well, LOST last night was nothing short of spectacular. We find out that Clair and Jack are basically brother and sister. We find out that Desmond is still saving Charlie's life. We find out that the "Others" do indeed live on the same Island as the Losties, with a force field type shield system all the way around their camp.

But, like the sucker I am, I have fallen victim to the trap set for us all in next week's episode. I hate it when they hype it up so much, because it doesn't let me enjoy the episode I just watched. Now I'm sitting on pins and needles waiting for next week's episode. Check out the promo:

And if that's not enough, check out the promo that aired in Canada:


-Lane said...

Doesn't the guy in the Canada promo that throws Kate to the ground look a lot like Michael?

Jason said...

I read that somewhere. I didn't see it.

Jason said...

It looks like Locke wants to blow up the sub. YOu should weigh in on our Lost page.