Monday, December 11, 2006

What in a word?

Last Thursday night, my wife were honored to attend the 4A State Championship Game between Guntersville and Thomasville. We were thrilled that we won.

We were not thrilled with the company behind us, however.

We sat with our usual crowd of the Blacks, the Merediths, and good ole Susan. With the Merediths were 3 or 4 little children, under the age of 12, and with the Black family was their youngest son as well. Also near to us were several other smaller children which I did not know.

Not more than 30 seconds after we sat down, we heard the good ole "S" word come out behind us from an older lady, then a few "D" words followed. I thought maybe she had spilled a drink and got upset, or something along those lines, little did I know we were in for a wild ride.

Next to this older was a young man, around 20 or so. I don't know him, and I'm not going to judge him, but he started cursing like it was going out of style. Not to say that any cursing has a point, but this was absolutely pointless cursing. Word after word, he spit out the "S" and "D" words like he was popping candy in his mouth.

Of course, in this great world we live in, no one really wanted to say anything to avoid some sort of scene. We all wanted to enjoy the game, but everytime a word popped out, I just wanted to cover the ears of those young children. I know, they hear it on television and radio, we can't protect them forever, but there is something different when you hear the word said right in front of you.

My wife, at about halfway through the second quarter, did something she is not known for. She confronted this young man about this. She turned around, and very politely said "I'm not trying to be rude, but could you please stop cussing? There are lots of little children around, and its very inconsiderate of you". To this, the young man replied "Oh, I'm sorry, was I cussing?". As jerkish as that may sound, I honestly believe he really didn't know he was using expletive after expletive. (However, for the rest of the night, he did not curse...the older people behind me were a different story).

When I taught speech in Houston, TX, I remember spending a day on cursing. Basically, I told the kids that only the most ignorant of people curse, because they have nothing better to say.

I went through a phase a really long time ago, when I was in 3rd grade or so, when I thought it was cool to cuss with my friends. Of course, we never spoke like that in front of a teacher or a parent, but it caught up with me.

My father, ever the good person, heard me one time say the phrase "What the?". Nothing else, just "What the?". He told me if he ever heard me say that again, he would wear me out. I think it was a day or two later, we were cleaning out the garage, and I stumbled across something in the woodpile that I had no clue what it was. Of course, that amazing discovery led to a wonderful "What the?". My father promptly put down what he was doing, and told me to get upstairs. You can figure out what happened later.

I was never allowed to say words like fart, crap, sucks, or various other words. I know those may sound silly and absurd, but I think it says a lot when you can control your tongue. Ephesians 4:29 says: Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.

I charge us all to control our tongues.


Anonymous said...

I agree with you Lane -- such language has become so pervasive in our society, and I think it is a sad commentary on our intelligence level that we resort to it so quickly.

Of course, it doesn't help much that the "standards" movies are held to are fairly lax -- did you know the "F-bomb" can be used once, and a movie can still keep its PG-13 rating? 2 or more times, and you get an R -- I guess that's why so many R-rated movies are loaded with it, it seems -- in for a penny, in for a pound.

Moral standards are creeping downwards at an accelerating pace, and I fear it will be greatly difficult to slow the decline, much less reverse it. I can at least make a difference in my home, though.

-Lane said...
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-Lane said...

Michael, I agree with the absurdity of the moral standards of the business industry. After the Michael Richards outrage using the "N" word, Jesse Jackson (who for once did something positive) went on the air pleading with hollywood and music producers asking them to stop using the word. I wish more of the "big whigs" would think like that.

Some of the better movies out are the ones with little to no bad language. Why can't a movie, a song, a book exclude the bad language?

Anonymous said...
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Sunny said...

I linked you to my page. I hope that is okay with you.

Anonymous said...

Hey Little Tokyo, what does it feel like to be ripped by an anonymous poster, you idiot!

Anonymous said...

Quite classy, I must say, but I guess that my attempts to initiate spiritual conversation were somehow seen as 'ripping' someone up. And if you could, please, show me exactly how I have been an idiot, I would greatly appreciate it. All I see from you, anonymous, is an comment deeply rooted in ignorace and defeat.

Had I revealed my identity, would my comments have any more merit?

Anonymous said...

You're right, it's pretty gutless to attack somebody without leaving your identity. I guess that's why you do it.

You're an idiot because you see no difference in saying "ouch" and saying a choice 4 letter word.

Anonymous said...

How does that make me an idiot? I asked why profanity is actualy profane. If you would please point to me in your Bible to a verse that says "Don't say these words: _____," I'd be glad to see it.

I say that rhetorically, as I'm sure you are aware. The question, then, is what seperates these 'profane' words from any other word? Somebody could call me an 'f-ing idiot' (I censor myself so as not to get my comment deleted, and out of respect for you) and I would not be as offended as I would be if they attacked my ability as a boyfriend, ripped apart my short stories, or insulted me as a person and actually refrained from using profanity.

I think that Ephesians verse is taken out of context. Who is to say what is 'profane' and what isn't?

Oh, and to make you happy, I'll send a link to my blog.

Cheers, mate.

Anonymous said...

And also, how does it make one 'brave' to post his name on here?

Jason said...

I've always wondered who decided which words should be "cuss words"? It's kinda goofy when you think about it.