Saturday, May 13, 2006

Top 50 Most Influencial People in My Life #20-11

As I get in to the top 20, one thing must be completely understood: In most of these instances, its harder to "Rank" the very top tier ones. Some may be ranked over others because of the length of time I've known them, or because of the family influence. Regardless, here are the most influencial in my life, numbers 20-11.

20. Johnny Markham: Johnny is the youth minister at the College Hills Church of Christ in Lebanon, TN (formerly College Street). Johnny was my co-youth minister growing up. My best friend Jason went to College Street, and I started going with him on Wednesday nights (My dad preached at a tiny church, and they encouraged me to go and be a part of a youth group, we had no youth group). Johnny had an immediate impact on me, and was one of the top five people responsible for showing me who God is and the need for salvation. Johnny is on the board at Winterfest and at IMPACT at Lipscomb, along with being involved in just about every aspect of youth ministry. He is a giant in his field, yet the most humble man in youth ministry. I'll never forget Monday night Bible studies, Minnesota Mission Trip, and getting advice from him in his office. God bless you Johnny.

19. Terry Reeves: When I was a freshman in 1992-93, I decided to go to Honduras for a two week trip. Terry Reeves, who is probably 20 years older than me, went on his first trip that year as well. He was a teacher at Ezell Harding Christian School at the time. He had to come a week later than everyone else, but we became instant friends, and he became an immediate mentor to me. For the next three or four years, we went together to TORCH in Honduras. Terry now lives in Sarasota, FL and takes hundreds of teenagers and adults to work in Honduras. He always is there for me to lend a listening ear, give advice, and pray for me as well. Whenever I see him, he always runs up to me and gives me a huge hug. Terry had a terrible bout with Cancer that he fought for about 3 years or so, and is now on the better side of that having beat it. He continues to take groups to Honduras. I love you brother! Come see me soon. We'll have to make another trip!

18. Randy and Jan Cromer: Randy and Jan were our adopted parents at Ashland City Church of Christ. They had kids that were similar in age to Kristen and me, so they loved going out to eat with us, having us over at their home, and talking with us about anything. They were so supportive and encouraging to us all the time. When times got rough, and Kristen and I were struggling, they were right there for us. We would not have made it there without them.

17. Keith Honeycutt: The most energetic, giving, and compassionate man I've ever known. Keith is our children's minister here at Ross Road. Up until about 2 months ago, he was just our 5th and 6th grade minister. Now he is over all the children. Keith's generosity is unequaled by anyone I have ever known. He funds a lot of his own projects, and he takes me out to lunch just about every two weeks, and never lets me pay. He was the voice that talked to me and encouraged me to come here, and gives me advice on how to deal with kids he used to have in his group. He is a great friend and fellow minister.

16. John Roberts: I hope he's not surprised that he made my top 20. John is a tremendous pulpit minister and friend. He has been the pulpit minister here at Ross since around 1999. He has always lended a hand to me when I need it, from moving, to putting up chair rail, to just about anything else I've needed. Most importantly, he listens to me when I need to vent, need advice or have a question about the scriptures. He got his Doctorate Degree from ACU, and knows quite a bit. In fact, I often call him the most intelligent man I've ever known (and he'll tell you Scott Van Wormer is the most intelligent man he's ever known). John is just about the best you could ask for in a minister, and most importantly a friend. John, thanks for all you do for me, you mean a lot to me.

15. Phillip and Leah Garton: Leah is Kristen's sister, and Phillip is Leah's husband. They got married the same summer we did (sorry parent's in law). Honestly, a year ago they probably wouldn't have made the list, not even the top 50. However, over the past year, our relationship has been hashed out and improved drastically. I respect both of them for their love for God, their desire to be close to us, and they are family. Phillip has showed me how to be patient and more understanding with things that pop up in life. They and their dog Bailey are visiting with us this weekend, before we go to visit the in-laws for Mother's Day.

14. Darrell Sims: Ah, a man's man. Loud and Boisterous, but hard working and Christian, Darrell is the famous father-in-law. I'm still scared of him from time to time, and not just when he drives his Expedition. I knew he was going to tell me I couldn't marry his daughter because I didn't like to hunt, but he let it happen anyways. What I respect about Darrell is his obvious and undying devotion to family and God. He's never afraid to tell you how he feels, but he also will listen to you and your opinions. Even though I was scared to death of him before we got married, he's been a tremendous blessing to me, and a great example. He runs his own business as a Contractor, and is highly successful in everything he does.

13. Sue Sims: Sue, the man's man's wife. Sue is my mother in law, very different from my mother ever was, but loving and gentle to all. She always wants to know how things are going, and is always planning out another trip to take. The most important thing to her when we all went to Disneyworld over Thanksgiving in 2005 was to get a family picture. After she got that, she was really happy. Family means a lot to her, and she has shown me the importance of that. I know she wants grandbabies real soon, however she's just gonna have to wait till we're ready!

12. Marty Widick: Martin Derrick Widick, my elder brother of 8 years, has always been a great brother to me. I remember growing up he would always find some time to play hot wheels with me. One time when I was in junior high and he had come home from college, he let me eat with pizza with him and his friends, and I thought that was just the coolest thing. We've shared some great times in our lives, and he's always been a great big brother.

11. Mary Anne Walton: Mary Anne Walton (Widick), my elder sister of 4 years, has always been a tremendous sister. We were closer than Marty and I, but that's just because of age. She always supported everything I did. I was the first one to find out she was going to marry her husband, and if there's ever anything I regret, it was not spending more time with them when we lived in Ashland City. Kristen and I really love to hang out with them. She is a great sister, mother to her kids, wife, and most of all friend. Her and her husband Kevin, who is also a great guy and has treated her well, mean a lot to me.



John Roberts said...

I'm honored to make the list at all, but even more so to beat out Keith!!! Yessssssss!!! (Thanks for your very nice words.)

Steve Hawley said...

Lane, thanks for your inclusion of me in your top 50- what an honor! Your Honduras picture still decorates my classroom! Your Honduras experience pulled me into the mission and as a result, many others have become involved. It goes back to you and the Widick family. You have some pretty terrific cousins, too!
God bless,
Luke 18:1
James 1:27
PS Thanks for the blog shoutout!