Wednesday, January 21, 2009

You've Just Got To Read This!!!

Okay, well it may not be all that exciting to you, but it is to me and several million other people tonight.

The most amazing television show ever produced comes back on tonight. LOST returns on ABC. Be sure to watch it. I'm sure they'll be some dialogue on it tomorrow on Jason's blog over at Already and Not Yet.

Which brings me to another thought: What are your favorite television shows of all time? Some of my favorites include --

1. The Office
2. Friends
3. The A-Team
4. Survivor
5. The Cosby Show
6. Everybody Loves Raymond
7. American Idol
8. The Simpsons
9. Sportscenter (not sure if that counts or not)


Jason said...

The X-Files, at least the first 4 or 5 seasons.

Arrested Development - the funniest show nobody ever saw.

Cheap Seats - An ESPN Classic classic.

The Honeymooners is probably my favorite show ever, although LOST may beat it out when it's all said and done.

And, of course, Andy Griffith.

Jason said...

And, call me a heretic, but I don't think The Office is as funny as it used to be. I see it becoming more of a dramedy with all the relationships and the people getting married and the engagements and what not. It used to be funnier, in my opinion.

30 Rock, though; now that show is FUNNY.

Jason said...

I'm going to continue leaving random comments.

The word verification word on that last comment was "wuction". That's a great fake word.