Tuesday, October 28, 2008

A Nation Divided, A Media Divided

On my last post, I placed an emphasis on the fact that there needs to be more to our vote than just voting on the economy, on taxes, and whether or not Bill Ayers is indeed a friend or not of Barack Obama. I'm not just looking at Abortion and Homosexual rights based upon the last video I posted, but I just wanted to remind everyone there's more to this election.

I'm drawn to I Timothy 2:1-4. It says:
"I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession, and thanksgiving be made for everyone -- for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good, and pleases God our Savior, who wants all men to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth."

Regardless of whether your man gets in or not, we must continue to pray that God will watch over this nation.

On a different note:

I just want everyone to know that I've never wanted something to end more than this year's election. The Media and lots of Americans, on both the conservative and liberal side, have shown their true colors. Fox News has done its share of belittling the Democrats, and CNN has done its fair share of shredding the Republicans.

However, I think the following video shows a complete and total bias. If this had been reversed, the outrage would overwhelming:

Regardless of you are for or against, there is no humor in this, and no place for this. Sarah Palin has a family, is a good person, and is the victim of radical leftwing liberals and their attack on good wholesome family values.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Who will decide?

This video, put out by the Value Voters of the USA, touches on many of the issues at hand this election year.

We can't just let foreign policy and taxes be the only issue.

Monday, October 20, 2008

New Shoes, Free Gift Certificates

If you've never bought shoes online you don't know what you're missing. Okay, cheesy line, but its true.

I've bought one pair of shoes online at Shoebuy.com, and they are great.

If you will go and buy some shoes there, you could help me win a $100 gift certificate to buy shoes there. Being young and having a new child has left us with little money, and could use the help.

Go to that link now, and you will save $10. Its free shipping, and free returns, and the prices are the same or better as going to a department store.

Please help me out. Thanks a bundle! After you buy your shoes, if you can get three people to buy shoes there, you will get a $100 gift certificate too!

Friday, October 10, 2008

SNL gains some momentum

I haven't been a big fan of SNL in recent years, but Thursday night's special weekend update was spot on:

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Thursday, October 02, 2008

Maybe they should watch more cartoons

Here is a lesson about spending from the classic cartoon, Ducktales.

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

The Common Sense Fix

I'm a long time Dave Ramsey fan, and once again, he's trying to help America with their debt problems, but this time, with the bailout plan. Here is his proposal he is emailing around to all his listeners. If you agree you can send it to your SENATORS and your REPRESENTATIVES by clicking on the words and it will send you to their contact info. If one of the links doesn't work, its because of the overwhelming amount of traffic they are getting at this time on their servers.

The Common Sense Fix
Years of bad decisions and stupid mistakes have created an economic nightmare in this country,but $700 billion in new debt is not the answer. As a tax-paying American citizen, I will not support any congressperson who votes to implement such a policy. Instead, I submit the following threestep Common Sense Plan.

a. Insure the subprime bonds/mortgages with an underlying FHA-type insurance.
Government-insured and backed loans would have an instant market all over the
world, creating immediate and needed liquidity.

b. In order for a company to accept the government-backed insurance, they must do two

1. Rewrite any mortgage that is more than three months delinquent to a 6% fixed-rate mortgage.

a. Roll all back payments with no late fees or legal costs into the balance. This brings homeowners current and allows them a chance to keep their homes.

b. Cancel all prepayment penalties to encourage refinancing or the sale of the property to pay off the bad loan. In the event of foreclosure or short sale, the borrower will not be held liable for any deficit balance. FHA does this now, and that
encourages mortgage companies to go the extra mile while working with the borrower—again limiting foreclosures and ruined lives.

2. Cancel ALL golden parachutes of EXISTING and FUTURE CEOs and executive team members as long as the company holds these government-insured bonds/mortgages. This keeps underperforming executives from being paid when they don’t do their jobs.

c. This backstop will cost less than $50 billion—a small fraction of the current proposal.

a. Remove mark to market accounting rules for two years on only subprime Tier III
bonds/mortgages. This keeps companies from being forced to artificially mark down
bonds/mortgages below the value of the underlying mortgages and real estate.

b. This move creates patience in the market and has an immediate stabilizing effect on failing and ailing banks—and it costs the taxpayer nothing.

a. Remove the capital gains tax completely. Investors will flood the real estate and stock market in search of tax-free profits, creating tremendous—and immediate—liquidity in the markets. Again, this costs the taxpayer nothing.

b. This move will be seen as a lightning rod politically because many will say it is helping the rich. The truth is the rich will benefit, but it will be their money that stimulates the economy. This will enable all Americans to have more stable jobs and retirement investments that go up instead of down.

This is not a time for envy, and it’s not a time for politics. It’s time for all of us, as Americans, to stand up, speak out, and fix this mess.