Monday, October 20, 2008

New Shoes, Free Gift Certificates

If you've never bought shoes online you don't know what you're missing. Okay, cheesy line, but its true.

I've bought one pair of shoes online at, and they are great.

If you will go and buy some shoes there, you could help me win a $100 gift certificate to buy shoes there. Being young and having a new child has left us with little money, and could use the help.

Go to that link now, and you will save $10. Its free shipping, and free returns, and the prices are the same or better as going to a department store.

Please help me out. Thanks a bundle! After you buy your shoes, if you can get three people to buy shoes there, you will get a $100 gift certificate too!

1 comment:

Jason said...

I'll be sure to check it out. Not sure I can afford a lot of shoes right now, but I could use a pair. Thanks for the heads up.