Friday, August 15, 2008

The number is 39, no more

So, I took the plunge.

I took the plunge because I've been taking a plunge, daily, for the past 4 years.

If you went back over the writings of these blog pages, you would see at least 6 promises and guarantees to shed the pounds that have hindered me for so long.

But I haven't.

I've consistently stayed at the past year around 255-260 pounds. My scientifically determined healthy weight is 195. I was there 5 years ago. Now, I'm officially at 266, at least according to my official Weight Watchers weigh in last night.

How humiliating is it to get to a point where I have to pay someone to tell me I'm fat? How embarrassing is it to walk into a room where the youngest person by 20 years, and, oh yeah, the only guy? How does it affect one's budget to pay $39 a month to be a part of a group that weighs you in each week?

Turns out, not so much to all of the above. The meeting went well, and I found out what I already knew, I'm too fat and I eat too much.

My daily point allowance is 39. No more than 39 points worth of food can I eat. Let's talk about my bad days in the past and see how many points I would have had:

If I eat a breakfast sandwich from McDonalds: 9 points
If I eat the hash browns: 3 points
If I eat lunch with Jason at Five Guys: (cheeseburger) 13 points
If I eat the fries: 13 points
If I get a candy bar on the way home: 6 points
If I get dinner out with Kristen at the Italian Place in town: (with the bread sticks): 20 points

I'm already at 64 points, and I haven't added an evening snack to the mix. Now, this isn't a typical day, because most of the times, I don't even eat breakfast, and I don't eat lunch with Jason everyday, and we don't eat out every night. However, there are days when this happens in the life of a youth minister.

So here's to Weight Watchers, a program I know works for many, and praying it works for me.

I do get a weekly allowance of 35 extra points, that can be used all at one meal, or over the course of the week.

If I start exercising, I get to add so many points to my daily allowance.

Here goes nothing.


Sunny said...

That's awesome that you joined Lane! I can't wait to see the results!

TARA said...

Best Wishes to you....I got a wII FIT for my birthday. First it told me my "fit" body age was 50, and then it told me I was obese. I told Richard, if the WII told me I was ugly - it was going back in the box, and I was demanding a refund!!!

Jason said...

Whatever I can do to help you achieve your goal, let me know. I wish there was a gym between here and Guntersville we could work out at.