Monday, April 07, 2008

The fascinating thing about Jesus

Jesus is awesome. There's just no real way to get around it. You can try to find reasons not to love Him, but you won't be able to do so. You can try to deny Him, but one way or another, you're going to bow down before Him.

There's something fascinating about Jesus. His ability to teach, amid all the storms and trials he faced, and not bat an eye.

Many people doubted Him.

Many people opposed Him.

Many listened with an argument in hand.

Many listened questioning His authority.

Many wanted to trick Him.

Most heard, but did not listen.

When you read of the gentleman in Mark 10:17-22, you read about a guy who was even reverent as he opposed Jesus. Jesus made no apologies for what he requested of this man. He simply told him to sell whatever he owned and give it to the poor. The man could not do this. What's crazy to think about is that Jesus probably knew that the man would not be able to do so.

Jesus' ability to teach to people which He knew 99% of the time weren't going to listen, act, or care is amazing to me. Oftentimes, I feel as if the words I speak or teach fall on deaf ears. Often, I feel as if I could have said something better, something that pricked hearts a bit more, something that would have hit home, but Jesus made no such apologies. Jesus taught it like it was, and it was up to the listeners to grasp, accept, and listen.

Regardless of how much I want my teenagers, the people in our church, the people I preach and teach to, to just get it...I can't make them. Its up to them to get what they will out of mine and everyone else's teachings.

God, please open our hearts and minds to Your Word. Help us to understand that we don't know it all, and that there are so many things we need to still learn from you. Help us to understand that when people reject or disregard our teaching, that You already told us that they are not rejecting us, but they are rejecting Your Word.

1 comment:

Jason said...

Great post, man.