Wednesday, April 02, 2008

American Idol Wrap Up Final 9

In lieu of my friend Jason, who always blogs the AI wrap up each week, I will fill in for him (he's finishing up a Grad class at Lipscomb).

Last night's theme was Dolly Parton songs, and in my opinion, the worst of the season. Dolly Parton was a great song writer, but her songs aren't the best for all types of singers.

BEST PERFORMANCE OF THE NIGHT: As much as I like David Cook, I have to go with David Archuleta's performance of "Smoky Mountain Memories" was amazing. His voice is really pure sounding. He's not my favorite, but last night, I think his performance was the best.

BREAKOUT PERFORMANCE: In my opinion, Carly Smithson's rendition of "Here You Come Again" was wonderful. It was one of the first times I disagreed with Simon. She reminded me last night she was talented.

SONG I WOULD BUY TODAY: Its a toss up between David Cook's version of "Little Sparrow" or Michael John's version of "It's All Wrong, But It's All Right".

FORGETTABLE: Ramiele's "Do I Ever Cross Your Mind" reminded me that she does not.

Bottom Three Prediction: Jason, Syesha, and Kristy Lee.

Going Home: Kristy Lee


Anonymous said...

Remiele went home, and I believe deservedly so. Kristy Lee "Nine Lives" Cook will probably be going home next week. Either that or she's going to end up winning it all...

Jason said...

I guess we were both wrong.

Kristi Lee must have a pact with the devil or something.