Wednesday, February 27, 2008

It has now been a week without caffeine and oh yeah, I'm still FAT!

Okay guys and gals, I've gone a whole week now without caffeine, unless you count the microscopic amount that is in chocolate, which I am not eating a lot of either. One week down, and here's the lowdown-

I can live without caffeine. Caffeine is not my ruler. Caffeine is not required to pay attention, wake up, energize or any other excuse we use. However, even though I'm drinking mostly water, and eating significantly better, i've gained weight. I realize that caffeine is a metabolism boosting agent, and without it, it is harder for me to do this whole lose weight thing.

I will say that stopping the whole Diet Dr. Pepper craze has helped me realize that I do control what I put in my body, and that I CAN control the cravings. Its just a rather difficult thing to do.

I'm pushing 260 now, officially reaching the most I've ever weighed. There's a guy on the Biggest Loser this season who just went home last night that weighed 285 when he got there. I'm reaching a weight that people are going on television reality shows for now. This past week has had a big impact on me in regaining my control of myself. I know that I can do this. I just have to stick with it. Even at my lunch the other day with Jason, at a Mexican place, I drank water. Last night at the State Playoffs for basketball, I drank water with my meal. This is hard, because we've trained ourselves to think that soft drinks just go better with certain meals. Its not true!

So It has been requested of me by my dear loving wife that I weigh 225 by the time the baby gets here. As difficult as it my be, I'm game to try. I've written on here many times about starting this out, and failing miserably. NOT THIS TIME!! I've got more control now than I've had in a while. I just have to get off the couch and move.


Jason said...

I was proud of you for going with water the other day. Keep up the good work, man. I wish there was a place we could meet a couple times a week to work out or something.

Sunny said...

Way to go, Lane! I know that you CAN do this! Just the other day, I noticed that they now have PLUS sizes in the kids' clothing sections!!! How crazy is that?

Anonymous said...

Not only is water healthy, but it tends to save you between $1.50 and $3.00 every time you go out to eat. Motivating yourself in your mind is easy, but translating that motivation to your body can be difficult. Sometimes you have to "just do it."