Tuesday, October 23, 2007


Hey everyone. For the one or two people that haven't given up hope and are still reading this blog every once in a while, I want to ask everyone to pray for the people in California who are being devastated by the wildfires.

I was watching on the news this morning how they were attempting to fight these fires. They offered little hope for the next few days as the winds continue to pick up and as there is a shortage of firefighters to help. Now that it has been declared a federal emergency, there will be federal help arriving soon...but I think we learned from Katrina that can't be relied on too much.

I can't even begin to imagine what it would be like to have a fire consume all of your possessions and there be absolutely nothing you can do about it. May God bless all of them and send the rain to them soon.

Also, continue to pray for the south as we are going through one of the most severe droughts in history. If Georgia has their way, they will stop allowing water to flow downstream, which will affect both Alabama and Florida. Atlanta is in a real bind now, and hopefully rain will flow soon. Even though it rained steadily here for most of last night, we're still far behind.

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