Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Cell Phone Manners?

I didn't write this. I saw it on news and I just loved it, so I thought it would put it here as well.

The world of cell phones drive me crazy, even though they are a necessity. So here are the top rules of good cell phone manners.

Be nice to the person behind the counter
Last week I was waiting in line to order lunch behind a man blabbing away on his phone. When he got to the counter, he handed the cafe employee a piece of paper with his order and said, "I'm on an important call." So is it just me or is that completely rude? Doesn't the person behind the lunch counter deserve just an ounce of respect? I think so. Next time Mr. Important, hang up or at least put your caller on hold.

Take it outside
I'm also in favor of taking your phone outside, or at least away from the table, when you get a call in a restaurant. No one around you, much less your tablemates, cares to hear what you have to say. That is, unless you're guiding someone to your table in a cavernous eatery. And if it's really important, you could always text. But even that has a limit, as well.

Use your inside voice
I'm always fascinated how people's voices (me included) automatically go up a few decibels when they get on a cell phone. I can understand when you're using your phone in a crowd, near a construction site, or next to your local airport runway, but it happens even in quiet rooms. I just don't get it.

You're welcome
Have you ever held the door for someone who's been on the phone without them acknowledging your presence? It happened to me last week. Remember folks: Even though you're on the phone you still exist in this world to other people.

Drive to distraction
I know I'll open a whole can of worms here but please, when you're driving with a phone use a headset. And whatever you do, don't text while driving. Yikes.

Yes, they're talking to you
I don't pay $10 to hear your cell phone ring during a movie so turn it off. But if you absolutely have to keep your phone on, please turn it on vibrate. And please don't start talking until after you've left the theater. It's just being polite. The same goes for weddings, funerals, and other milestone events. Every time I went to my college's graduation, they'd ask people to turn off their phones before the ceremony. And every time, someone's phone would ring and they'd slink out of the building. Remember that when they ask you to turn off your phone, they're talking to you.

Work out your body, not your mouth
I don't care how important you think you are, the gym is no place for a cell phone. Don't talk when you're doing cardio and don't take up space on equipment so you can sit and catch up the latest dish. If you're bored while you spin, read a magazine.

Not in the bathroom
Don't use your phone in a public restroom. That's just gross.

Remember the people around you
If you're out with a group of friends, it's fine to answer the phone for a few minutes. Just don't make that conversation more important than the one you're already having. Granted, I know I'm throwing stone from a glass house, but be courteous and keep it to a limit.

Bluetooth geeks
I've made no secret of the fact that I think wearing a Bluetooth headset when you're not talking on the phone just makes you look like a geek. That's why I'm saying it again here.


Sunny said...

Good stuff!

The texting while you are driving scares me to no end. I don't want to have a wreck with my 3 kids in the van because someone is typing out a message.

Here recently, I left my phone at home and I did not know how I would manage. What a long way we have come! I got my first cell phone only 8 years ago. I kind of liked being out of the house without a connection to anyone.

Jason said...

Thanks for the funny...

Bonnie Jo Davis said...

When someone on a cell phone talks during a movie it makes me crazy. Etiquette expert, Lydia Ramsey, has a funny article on the topic at