Saturday, February 17, 2007

Dear God

Dear God,

I'm sorry that I treat you the way I do.

I pray often, but usually its selfish. I pray for things to go well, for You to bless me, my wife, my family, and others close to me.

You see God, I really don't know how to pray. When I wake in the morning, I'm too tired to focus. When I lay down at night, I drift off to sleep before I can make sense. During the day, I'm distracted by too many things to focus.

So I usually just have time to say quick prayers, like for my food, for my wife, for my family, and others close to me. I also always have time to pray when I am sick, not feeling well about something, stressed, and other times like that.

I always just seem to go to You when I need You, but when things are going well, it seems like You're further from my mind. Oh You're still important, and You're still almighty, but those things just don't strike me when things are okay.

Father, help me to be more transparent and open to You. I know You can see everything in me, but I try so hard not to let You. I'm so inadequate to be called Your child, but You continue to acknowledge me as your own.

I go to you and expect something from You, yet I rarely ever give back to you in return. Help me to give over everything to You. Help me to let You be in control of my life. Help me to give it up.

You are beyond words that a mere human can put together into a sentence. There is no way to describe Your abundant love for us. If someone doesn't talk to us for weeks or months at a time, then they come and ask for something all nice and polite, we hesitate to even acknowledge them. We come to You after weeks or months of not talking to You, and You give it over to us.

Thank you, Oh my Father, for all that You are, carry me, show me the narrow path,



Anonymous said...

I can give a big Amen to that!

Matt said...

Thanks for sharing that.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful prayer... I can relate brother.

Jason said...

Great stuff, Lane. Thanks for your transparency.