Wednesday, February 28, 2007


Did you know that there are an estimated 27 million slaves throughout the world today? In countries such as Mexico, Pakistan and China, children are born into slavery, purchased or kidnapped for slave use. In fact, there are more slaves worldwide today than were involved in the pre civil war transatlantic slave trade.

Some of these slaves are sold into use for drug smuggling. Others are sold into slavery for labor, such as camel jockeys in the middle east. Most of them however are young girls sold into slavery for sexual reasons, for prostitution, and other various sex acts.

Check out to learn more about the issue of modern slavery, also known as "Human Trafficking". To me, it was such a shock to learn about the slavery that continues today. When most of us think about slavery, we think of African American, pre civil war slavery. The human trafficking going on today is much different than that. An estimated 50% of the 27 million slaves worldwide are children under the age of 13.

None of us could fathom going through this. None of us can fathom being a slave, or can we? Truth of the matter is that we all are slaves. That's right. YOU are a slave. John 8:34 records Jesus telling us this: “ I tell you the truth, everyone who sins is a slave to sin.”

We might be apalled to think about the slavery still going on today's society. But, the truth be told, we are all slaves to our sin. We are slaves to the memories of sin that haunt us to this day. We are slaves to the sins of conceit and selfishness. We are slaves to our image and self esteem.

Romans 6:19 says: I put this in human terms because you are weak in your natural selves. Just as you used to offer the parts of your body in slavery to impurity and to ever-increasing wickedness, so now offer them in slavery to righteousness leading to holiness.

Some of us may have "used to offer" ourselves to the slavery of sin, but most of us continue to do so. Even though God has forgiven us, we can't forgive ourselves. The sin is still strapped to our ankles as we run from it. Sure the chain gets longer each time we flee from it, but it always seems to pull us back.

We have to remember what it continues to say in Romans. It goes on to say in Romans 6:20-21:
When you were slaves to sin, you were free from the control of righteousness. What benefit did you reap at that time from the things you are now ashamed of? Those things result in death! Paul reminds us that these things we used to be slaves to gave us nothing but death.

Dear God, help us to flee the grasp of sin. Help us not to be slaves to sin. Help us to be slaves to righteousness instead. Amen.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

The Rocks? They can't cry out, can they?

Every third Wednesday in the Guntersville Youth Ministry is the night we call Primetime Praise. We spend the entire hour in praise of some sort. Usually we sing, pray, read scriptures, commune with each other, and participate in other acts of worship.

I love a good period of praise time. Its a little different when you're the one who puts it together and has to lead it. However, tonight, I was brought to a realization. If we don't praise God, God will get His praise from something.

First of all, let's understand that praising God should give us joy. I've always been under the assumption that worship is for God, but I don't necessarily agree with that completely anymore. Read this:

My lips will shout for joy when I sing praise to you – I, whom you have redeemed.
Psalm 71:23

Obviously David is telling us that joy is on his lips when he sings praises to God. When we praise God, it gives us joy, or at least it should. True worship, worship with our minds focused on our God, will give us joy. In return, if our worship is shallow, one should not expect to find joy.

And why would we want to worship in a shallow way? Remember that story in Luke, as Jesus is entering into the city on his donkey, with leaves spread on the road for his grand entrance? The Pharisees have the audacity to tell Jesus to get his disciples to stop singing and praising Him. Jesus follows up in Luke 19:40 by saying "If I tell them to stop, then the stones will start to cry out".

The rocks will cry out? Rocks don't cry. Rocks don't have emotion. Rocks aren't alive. So what does this mean? It means simply this: If you are just going through the motions of worship, if you just mumble along because you're supposed to, then you don't understand what it means to praise our God. If the plants and animals God created, the dirt and rocks that He placed on earth, if the pavement under your feet and the roof over your head were allowed, they would be praising God. They are just waiting for the chance.

And here we are with the ability to praise our God, and so many of us just don't get it. When Paul sang at the top of his lungs in prison, when David danced before the Lord, and when the disciples of the Lord sand and yelled in praise as Jesus approached the Mount of Olives, they meant it. They wanted but also needed to praise they could have that joy it brings to them.

May we understand how to praise our God. May we search within our souls to find the depth of praise that we read about in God's Word. May we find the strength to let go ourselves, and give all the Praise to God.

Dear God, help us to praise You daily, by our words, our actions, our thoughts. Help us utilize that ability You gave us to praise You. Help us to understand the Rocks would love to cry out to You. You alone are worthy of our praise. Amen.

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Dear God

Dear God,

I'm sorry that I treat you the way I do.

I pray often, but usually its selfish. I pray for things to go well, for You to bless me, my wife, my family, and others close to me.

You see God, I really don't know how to pray. When I wake in the morning, I'm too tired to focus. When I lay down at night, I drift off to sleep before I can make sense. During the day, I'm distracted by too many things to focus.

So I usually just have time to say quick prayers, like for my food, for my wife, for my family, and others close to me. I also always have time to pray when I am sick, not feeling well about something, stressed, and other times like that.

I always just seem to go to You when I need You, but when things are going well, it seems like You're further from my mind. Oh You're still important, and You're still almighty, but those things just don't strike me when things are okay.

Father, help me to be more transparent and open to You. I know You can see everything in me, but I try so hard not to let You. I'm so inadequate to be called Your child, but You continue to acknowledge me as your own.

I go to you and expect something from You, yet I rarely ever give back to you in return. Help me to give over everything to You. Help me to let You be in control of my life. Help me to give it up.

You are beyond words that a mere human can put together into a sentence. There is no way to describe Your abundant love for us. If someone doesn't talk to us for weeks or months at a time, then they come and ask for something all nice and polite, we hesitate to even acknowledge them. We come to You after weeks or months of not talking to You, and You give it over to us.

Thank you, Oh my Father, for all that You are, carry me, show me the narrow path,


Friday, February 09, 2007

Helping Hand

Sorry it has been a while. I was gone this past week to the FHU Lectureships. I had a good time, mainly because I got to see lots of old friends and teachers from school. The lectures are a good time to see a different side of things. My perspective is typically a more progressive approach, but the perspective there is considerably more traditional. When all is said and done, however, we are both worshiping and praising the same God. To Him, be all be glory and praise.

I solicit prayers at this time. My wife quit her job at Kid's Korner last week. Based upon a lot of thought and prayer, we decided for her to open up her own business. She is now the sole proprietor and owner of Helping Hand Housekeeping, a residential cleaning service. She loves children, and loves teaching, but she was just not happy where she was at.

If anyone is around the Guntersville area, and looking for a TREMENDOUS house cleaner who charges a reasonable price, look no further than Helping Hand Housekeeping!!