Monday, October 30, 2006

Here's a random blog

So yesterday the Titans beat the Houston Texans, barely. But, a win is a win, and it was a division win as well. So we're sitting at 1 and 1 in the division. However, we are 2 and 5 overall. If we win outright, we may have a shot at the playoffs, and I may learn to fly tomorrow.

This weekend we spent some time doing yardwork at the house. We're trying to get it set up so we can plant some flowers and bushes in the front yard. There's also hope that this week we may get a new driveway to get us off the road where we currently have to park. Every morning, there's more sap on my car, and dents from where all the acorns fall off all night long.

I ask for prayers this week as I prepare for our upcoming fall retreat. Its going to be great. The theme is All Things New, and we're using Romans 12:2 as our key verse.

Saturday night we went to celebrate 30 years of life with my good friend Jason Bybee at his surprise birthday party. It was a lot of fun, and I got to meet several of his blogging buddies that up until now i've only known through blogger.

Its going to be a good week, I just feel it.

1 comment:

Jason said...

Thanks for being at the party. It was nice to have you all close enough to be a part of those kinds of things. Plus, you were the only person (besides family) who lived through some of those hideous-picture-years with me.