Sunday, August 27, 2006

A week for prayers

It seems truly that when it rains it pours. There have been many who have been on my heart this past week. I know it would be easy to have a blog dedicated to just prayer requests, but that was not what this was ever intended to be. However, this past week it has been the thrust of many of my posts.

I have another prayer request to add. My mother, Elaine Widick, was put in the hospital on Friday night with a pain near her abdomen. Ended up being her appendix, and she was in and out in a day or two. They kept her in for an extra day due to some extra swelling, but she is now recovering and should be fine.

I knew something was up on Friday evening when I got the message from my father. Kristen and I were at Walmart ( I know, real exciting Friday night, huh?), and I had a voicemal from my father. Two things set me off that there was a problem. First, my dad never calls me on a Friday night at 8:00 in the evening. Second, whenever he leaves me a message, he always says "Call me back when you can, everything is fine, I just needed to ask you something". This time, it was "I'll try to reach you at home also, but whenever you get this message, I need you to call me".

Call me crazy, but I felt like something was going on around 6 on Friday night, but couldn't put my finger on it.

Update on Little Max Julian, he took a turn for the better and is recovering fine, and all the doctors seem to think he's going to be fine.

And just on a side note, we've been here in Guntersville for almost a month now, and my life couldn't be any happier. We have a great home, a great church family, awesome teenagers, and great parents.


Sunny said...

Sorry to hear about your mom. Hopefully her recovery time will be quick.
Glad to hear that things are going well for the two of you. We are so happy that you guys are here in Alabama.

-Lane said...

Thanks, hey do you know if you're coming over for the Joe Beam thing?

Jason said...

I just read this. Sorry to hear about your Mom. Hope she's doing well.

Sunny says she can only do two nights. Is it Sunday through Wed or Monday through Wed?

Anonymous said...

Good Morning Lane,
Enjoyed reading your thoughts from last night. Prayer is a wonderful avenue to God, and we need it daily! Thank you for your concern for Patti-she needs all our prayers-this is going to be a tough time for all of them. Life Group was awesome last night. Some of the adults and I were commenting on your presentation and how well the kids listen to you. That is great! Well have a good day. See you soon. Reese

Anonymous said...

It is amazing at how small our world is sometimes. Our Sunday school class at Goodman Oaks in Southaven, MS has been praying for baby Max Julian as well -- his aunt is in the class there. It is great to see that our prayers are being answered with him.

We will keep your mother and all of the others still in our prayers as well.

-Lane said...

Thanks everyone. Maybe this week will be more positive!