Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Things that are going on in my life...

Hey all. I doubt I have any readers left after such an absence of new posts. I've noticed a lot of my blogging buddies are the same way as of late, fewer and fewer posts. Spring is a busy time of planning, with many activities to prepare for. Its also a time when no one wants to sit in one place for an extended period of time.

Last night, my wife and I saw the new flick out, "Blades of Glory", which was a crude movie but absolutely hilarious. Will Ferrell is a kind of guy that can be a hit or miss comedian, but what made it work was none other than Napoleon Dynamite himself.

What grinds my gears though are the people who go to watch a movie, pay for tickets and snacks, and then talk, rather loudly though the whole thing. Now, i'm a movie talker, but just to the person next to me, and in a quiet voice so not to disturb anyone else. This family (yes an entire family) with two teenagers, talked over the movie to each other, often answering their cell phones during, and generally made the environment poor. Argh...and there is nothing really anyone can do about it apparently.

I'm also concerned about this weekend. I'm in prayer as we speak over the Guntersville high school Prom. For the record, I do not like high school proms, what kind of environment they create, or the temptation it places upon our teenagers. But what I also don't like are the hundreds or even thousands of dollars that teens spend on the event.

All for them to stay up all night, being tempted by each other in all sorts of ways with all sorts of things. Then, none of them wake up in time to come to class, much less come to worship. They can't, they've stayed up until 4 or 5 in the morning, how could they?

I would probably be an unpopular principal, because I would cancel the prom. Nothing all that great can come out of it, except maybe a fond memory or two, which will be no doubt replaced one day with more rewarding things.

But stepping down off of my inconspicuous soap box, I pray that all teenagers will use good judgement this weekend, putting Christ first in all of their decisions, from how much money is spent to how much of themselves they give away to temptation.

Dear Father, please be with our teenagers this weekend as they journey to their Jr/Sr prom, and give them the character they need to stand up to Temptation as your Son did. Help them to be a light to others, and to see the importance of waking on Sunday and coming to be with their Christian family in worship to you. Amen.


Anonymous said...

I never went to a prom in high school. We had a banquet, but it was pretty much the same thing. The dance afterward was optional, and my buddies and I would go do something else instead of go to the dance. For some reason, though, it is a big deal. I wish more parents would be like my parents were; they didn't give me a curfew, but they told me that I would get up and go to Bible class and that I would stay awake during class and church.

Jason said...

Why can't the prom be on Friday night?

Anonymous said...

That's when mine was in high school -- I went with a group of 10 - 12 friends (none of us were dating). We all drove our own cars, so no limo $$ was needed. We hung out and had fun for a few hours, then went to Waffle House for a midnight snack, then went to someone's house to watch a couple of movies, then went home on Saturday morning. No drinking, no hotel rooms, just good fun hanging out with good friends, like we did every Friday night -- we just dressed up a little that night.