Friday, January 12, 2007

The New 7 Wonders of the World

If you'll go to New 7 Wonders you'll be able to vote on the new 7 Wonders of the World. Voting ends in like 170 days, but its pretty neat to do. They have about 20-25 things to vote on. You pick your 7. Here's who I picked:

1. Christ Redeemer: The statue of Christ in Brazil

2. The Colosseum: The Ancient Roman Colosseum

3. Easter Island Statues

4. The Great Wall of China

5. Pyramids of Giza: The only original of the Ancient Wonders still standing

6. Stonehenge: Don't knock it till you have actually seen them. They truly are a wonder.

7. The Taj Mahal: Its probably one of the most beautiful man-made structures on earth.


Jason said...

Have you visited each of these places? I know you've been to several of them. I need to get to Europe sometime.

-Lane said...

Actually, I've only been to Stonehenge. However, I know people who have been to all of these, or lived near them.

Hey name the date, you and Sunny and Kristen and I will head over. London is amazing.