Monday, May 01, 2006

Our Silent Auction for Honduras

Hey everyone! Thursday of last week was national stress day, declared by me. Today, is "I've finally made it past National Stress weekend day" for me. On Friday night, we had our Silent Auction and dinner. We sold right at 100 tickets for it, and about 75 were attendance, not counting our team members.

We had 63 items for everyone to bid on, then we also sold our team members for servant work. As far as the money goes, Total profit we made:

No, its not going to cover the cost of the entire trip, but it helps. We still probably have around $4500 to go, but its better than having $16000 or even $20000 to go! Our team members wrote letters to raise money as well, and we're doing pretty good with that avenue.

So on Saturday, I also got to cut the grass, weedeat the yard, go to the store, cleaned the entire house, and cleaned our carpet. After that, we had our good friends Michael and Catherine over to feed them for taking care of our beloved Chloe a few weeks ago.

Yesterday, we had church services, a Honduras meeting, and teen life group. Needless to say, I'm tired, but i'm excited that its all over.

Rapidly, summer is approaching, which is of course the busiest time for a youth minister. Tons of trips planned, and lots of fun days to go with it.

Thanks for everyone's support of the silent auction!!

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