Tuesday, May 23, 2006

I Really Need Some Help

On March 22, 2 months ago, I stopped drinking soft drinks, and caffeine as well. The greatest thing about that is that I haven't had even a slight desire to have a soft drink (aka pop, coke, soda). When I go to a fast food place, a restaurant, a gas station, a fellowship meal, anything that serves soft drinks, I have no desire for one.

Funny how I used to have one every hour on the hour, and now I don't crave them.

So what do I need help with? Maintainence? No, I have no desire. Temptation? No, its not there.

If you go back further in my blogging, you'll see that I promised to lose weight. Well, so far nothing. In fact, I think I might have gained 5 pounds or so. Why is it that I can give up something I had been addicted to, but now can't seem to give up all the other junk that is bombarding my life?

I get home from the office usually around 4:45-5:00, depending on when I leave. In Ashland City, I didn't really have "Office Hours", and usually left around 3:00, when I was motivated to work out and exercise. However, here, we have more of a set "office hour" schedule, and I can't leave to go work out at 3 or 3:30. By the time I get home at 5:00, there is usally something else to do in the evening, and I am either too wiped out or don't have enough time to work out.

Then enters in my eating habits. So what if you can give up soft drinks if you can't give up chips and french fries (like the other night, I ordered a steak with a baked potato, AND french fries). I know that my arteries are crying out for help, and I can't seem to stop and listen.

I need motivation to get going with this. I mean, if I can do the soft drink free thing, surely I should be able to give up other things as well!

Prayers are requested, motivation is requested, and teasing is not asked for. I know I'm big, but do people really think it helps when it is constantly said "Man, you're a big guy" or "I wouldn't want to mess with you, I mean, because you're a big guy, not because you're fat, but because you're just big..." I know I'm large, stop telling me. Its like telling me I'm bald.

I pray for God to change my taste buds so that they healthier foods will sound appetizing to me. I pray for God to intervene when I am faced with a decision of food choices. I pray that God will help me realize that this is HIS temple, and I am not taking care of it.

I hope all you readers out there will encourage. I need it.


Greg Brooks said...

Hey, you're bald.

Greg Brooks said...

I'm sorry. That's not the sort of thing a Christian brother should do to a guy.

Check out www.halhigdon.com and start running (I'm a runner now and I still can't believe it).

Then check out www.bodyforlife.com and get your eating on track (this one, I have not so much done).

I'm more full of practical advice here than encouragement. But I do want to encourage you. With medical science being what it is, people of our generation might live to see 120 years . . . let's make it quality time, instead of quality health care time.

That's why I run, so that I'll be strong when we're old and my wife needs to lean on my arm.

-Lane said...

I seem to be able to do one or the other, but never at the same time.

Exercising is something i've been able to get into, but the diet for some reason is harder.

Anonymous said...

I know you can do it; you can lose weight. You've done it before. One thing that I have found to help me is to set aside time each day for working out or running, doing some exercise that you enjoy. The key is to find something you enjoy or can enjoy because then it won't seem like a burden to do it.

As far as eating, I've heard of all sorts of things to help, but I don't know how well they all work. If you don't currently plan your meals ahead of time, start doing that. Then you can plan on healthier food and it makes it easier when you go to the grocery store. Also, eat lots of fresh food. It's better for you.

Best of luck. I'll pray for you.

-Lane said...


In all actuality, I should have that motivation already in me. All four of my grandparents have had heart attacks. I guess for some its one of those things that is "Until it happens to me..."

Yeah, I did it before, but that was with some ephedra helping me out along the way. Pretty good stuff, but makes you moody and jittery all day long. This has just been harder for me to deal with.

Thanks for the encouragement guys. Anyone else have some words of wisdom to help?

Jason said...

At the beginning of the year, Sunny started eating from a smaller plate and she began walking a mile every day. She's also tried to curb her snacks and sweets. She's dropped 20 pounds and counting. She says it's amazing how conditioned she was to eating a large amount just because of plate size.

You know I love you and will pray for your health.

-Lane said...

I noticed last time we saw you guys that she looked thinner, but its always awkward to talk about that kinda stuff around women.

John Roberts said...

Two words - duct tape. Not really - but I'm really sold on the Weight Watchers principles of smaller portions and keeping track of what you're eating. Lost 30 pounds with it. (I also like the smaller plate idea - it really is mind over matter.)

Anonymous said...

Speaking of smaller portion size, Men's Health (my favorite magazine that you, Lane, got me hooked on) had this research in this month's issue: "Downsizing isn't always a bad thing. Pennsylvania State University researchers discovered that by simply reducing meal portions 25 percent, people ate 10 percent fewer calories a day -- without feeling any hungrier. The best place to start: Cust back on pasta and rice. An American Dietetic Association survey found that nearly 60 percent of men overestimate the serving sizes of food. The right answer? Half a cup of cooked pasta or rice equals one serving."

Anonymous said...

lane, you really arn't that big.
trust me when you have lived in memphis most of your life, you see some big people.
your not even in the top 50.

if you really feel that bad about it though, try finding replacements for the bad food, like spagetti squash instead of spagetti, sounds weird i know, but its really good. fried zuchinis are really good too,especially with battter.mmmmmm

i think im gonna go eat lunch!