Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Whatever Happened to Good Old Fashioned Hard Work?

Check out this story before you read on: SEXTUPLET SCAM!!

My question is this -- how desparate do you have to be make up a scam like this? I must give them credit, I mean, this is not a story you hear all that often. But to take advantage of people that are caring and giving, that is too much.

There's a good place to go when you are struggling and are having money problems, and that is to work! Many a time have I stated that if something were to happen to my position as a minister, I am not above working as a burger flipper to make ends meet. Why is that when we reach a dead end, we look for every way to get out of it except turning around?

In this country of frivilous law suits and rampant gambling problems, everyone wants a get rich quick scheme to work for them. Now, I'll admit that I have filled out the Publisher's Clearinghouse Prize forms, and I'll always enter into a contest at the mall or at a store, but the difference is this: I DON'T PLACE ALL MY HOPES AND DREAMS IN THEM!!!

Did no one question the fact that the so called sextuplets were never seen by anyone? It makes me wonder this question: If Jesus told the parable of the Good Samaritan now, would it be told the same way? Instead of the Samaritan stopping to help without any concern for his own safety, would Jesus have said "Then a Samaritan passed by. After he called the police to check out the guy, and after he went and got some sort of defensive weapon just in case he wasn't injured..."

I want to help people, but with so many scheming and taking advantage, I don't know if its the right thing to do anymore. Any comments?


Anonymous said...

I used to work at The Med, the "safety net" hospital here in Memphis -- it's right ouside the downtown area. I was often approached by individuals seeking a hand-out as I got to or left work. I heard just about every story that could be told. I never gave any of them money though -- I hear people say hat "you don't know that person will spend it on alcohol", but you smell it on on them as they beg, you think differently. Also, when you are told they need $10 to get into the shelter, but you know the shelters are free, you get suspicious as well.

One thing I heard someone say they do is they go to McDonalds and buy books of gift certificates. Then, when someone says they need money to buy food, they give them the McDonalds certificates. It's an interesting idea, to say the least.

I agree about people wanting to take the easy way out and not take personal responsibility for their actions. When I hear all the excuses for someone's behavior (my parents, my spouse, bullies at school, my job, etc.), I want to puke! Just admit that you messed up! AAARRRGGGGHHHHH!!!!

I think we should adopt what the United Kingdom has done with regards to frivolous lawsuits. If you file a frivolous lawsuit and do not win, not only do you pay court costs, but the British government drops a huge fine on you as well for tying up the legal system. I have read that such filings are down dramatically already due to that.

Anonymous said...

Welcome to America, land of the free (loaders). I too, have seen and heard it all, and it crawls my skin.

Our country is so messed up with welfare, housing assistance, food stamps, and supporting foriegners who are not even suppose to be here, that we are tapped out.

We are the most generous country in the world, and a country still heavily influenced by Christian values. We are gullible, to say the least, or these scams would never work. But, for all of the scams, there are real needs out there that are being met. We can't forget that, and we can rest in the fact that God will reward our actions and judge those who receive the handouts.

How about the lady that got millions of dollars because Southwest detained her and caused her grief because of her actions and apparent physical looks??? MILLIONS!!! Thank you for driving up the cost of flying for the rest of us!

I agree, how about some good old fashioned work. When we are too good to do manual labor jobs, work at fast food joints, and other hourly jobs, we deserve to be run over the way we are. It is our own faults for living such lavious lifestyles that we fail to see the real picture, what is really going on around us.

Unemployment is at 4.7%, you have to be really trying hard not to work right now!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Throw them in jail. But wait, the way jails are today, they will have it made in the shade. Better yet, find them jobs and make them work!!!!! They will be able to pay off the court costs in a couple hundred years. Maybe if we punished people for doing things that are wrong we might not have the problems we have today.

Terry Reeves said...


As always, you seem to know how to stir people up! Scams have been around forever, lots of Bible examples prove that. We just need to be wise, do our homework, and do the right thing. And every now and then, get burned, because we had a big heart. There are worse things, I would rather be generous and somewhat gullible than to be known as a stingy penny pincher who never helped anyone.