Tuesday, February 14, 2006

A Confession of the Heart

I have to admit something, right here, right now in front of you all. I am addicted to two new television shows. And its all thanks to Jason Bybee for one of them, and Kevin Westmoreland for the other.

I used to be addicted to the show Friends. I liked it because it was easy to watch, simple, and somewhat comedic. But alas, it has gone off the air. For a while, I pretty much went only watching CSI, Survivor, and Amazing Race. However, I have found two new shows that I can't live without.

First of all is The Office on NBC. It has Steve Carell as an office manager of the Dunder Mifflin paper supply company. It was based on the show by the same name in England. Steve's character, Michael, thinks he's the best boss and mentor in the world, but his employees think otherwise. Its a knock on reality shows, as the whole episode is done like a reality show. Pure genious in my opinion.

The second is 24. I started watching 24 after a phone call with Jason about an upcoming event. He told me to just watch it, and I would like it. Well, now i'm sitting at my desk with the first 2 seasons that just arrived for me from Walmart.com, waiting to be watched.

So how about it, what are you die hard have to watch shows? All of you who have been reading my blog, but not posting comments (its free and harmless to post comments), please post a comment with shows you just have to watch!


Jason said...

Love 24. Can't miss an episode. But honestly, my new favorite show is LOST. I heard everybody talking about it last year, and people would tell me that it was the kind of show I'd like. One friend even told me it was better than 24. No way, I thought. After season 1 was released on DVD, I rented it one weekend. Sunny was sick that weekend, and her mom came down to help with the babies. She and I burned through about 2/3rds of the season over the weekend and you know what...I'm inclined to agree. It's possibly the best TV show I've ever seen. No joke. Check it out if you haven't already.

I also love Amazing Race. Best reality show on the air, hands down.

And Scrubs is the funniest show out there today. Zach Braff is hilarious.

Anonymous said...

OK -- I admit it -- I am addict-oodily-dicted to THE SIM-DIDDILY-IMPSONS. That's THE SIMPSONS for those uninitiated in Flanders-speak.

For reality shows, it is The Amazing Race (other than the "family" season -- "This week, watch as teams race eight city blocks to have their picture taken. Then, they have to CROSS THE STREET to get to the pit stop!"), although this season I have also started to watch Survivor.

My wife's show is ER -- do NOT get between her and the TV at 9PM Central on Thursday nights.

We also enjoy the CSI shows, and NCIS. Our Saturday night routine is COPS and America's Most Wanted.

For sports, it is NASCAR -- yes, we watch cars turning left and driving in circles for 3 hours on Sunday afternoons. And I did say "we" -- my wife is now a fan as well.

Marshall Wade said...

hey Lane, this is marshall just dropping you a line. by the way, my favorite show is The District (I'm addicted to it). But anyway, hey I have a blog I've been writing on for quite some time now, I want you to check it out, and run it across the youth group when you get a chance. See ya!


Anonymous said...

Gilmore Girls is a must see. I know it sounds lame but the dialogue is fast, witty and chock-full of pop culture references. It has the most intelligent dialogue this side of West Wing. Start with season one. I guarantee you will love it.
My Name is Earl is classic.
And I have to disagree with Jason, here. 24 is superior. Now, Lost might get the nod if it would run continuously without 2-3 week breaks all the time. It's hard for me to get ramped back up after another hiatus.

Jason said...

For me, 24 is getting close to jumping the shark. I mean, come on, how many times can one guy save the world? I thought the ending to last season would've been a great way to end the series (I won't say anything more, since I don't think Lane's seen it). Season 4 was a great one, but I'd rather them go out on top rather than limp along for another couple seasons, a la The X-Files.

Granted, you have to suspend belief when you're watching LOST, but the character development is what makes LOST so fascinating. 24 is pure adrenaline / action; LOST is more dramatic. Apples and oranges, mon frere.

No way was Pacino gonna whack Brasco.

Anonymous said...

Suspending belief is not a problem for me. Making me want to suspend belief is a hallmark of a great show.
My problem with Lost is scheduling. They should take a page from the 24 book and do a continuous season with no interruptions.

Jason said...

True. But then we'd have to wait until January to watch, which is tough. The gaps in scheduling just give more time for the groupies to potboil their theories on the message boards.

-Lane said...

I guess my one question about the success of 24 is this: If they don't start killing off everyone, how will they explain the inevitable aging of everyone during the offseason?

Should I start watching Lost also? It was a coin toss between that and 24. What do you guys think?

Jason said...

Lost is awesome. I don't know if you have time in your life for two serial shows, but I think it's the superior show. Rent Season 1 on DVD and you can get the episodes of Season 2 at the iTunes Music Store for $1.99 a piece. It's worth your time.