Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Things I'm enjoying/looking forward to and other random things

Its been a while since I've posted anything. With the holidays, a 7 month old, and a week long trip to a conference in Colorado Springs, time has been a premium for me. So now that the holidays and trips are over, I'm going to sit down and fill you in on a few things.

1. Utah was a much better football team than anyone thought. I'm a huge Alabama fan, always have been, but come on, let's give credit to Utah. They destroyed Alabama, and I do think they have a legitimate gripe about not being National Champs. Could they beat Florida? You may say no, but no one thought they would be Alabama either. Plus, the beat Alabama a lot worse than Florida did.

2. The Titans blew it. Forget the fact that Flacco stepped out of the endzone, and that the play clock was dead for two seconds before the Ravens snapped the ball. The Titans simply blew it. It also showed how important Chris Johnson was to the offense by having to sit out in the second half.

3. I debated on whether or not to watch 24 this year, and the curiosity won over. I watched the "Redemption" episode, which set up the season, and then over the past two nights I've watched the first four hours. So far, 200 times better than the previous season.

4. American Idol starts back tonight. Last year was the first time I watched it all the way through, and I loved it. Tuesday night will become "TV" night at our house, with the Biggest Loser and with American Idol.

5. Of course, next Wednesday will become TV DVR night with Lost returning. Check out Jason's blog a few days ago with his numerous questions on Lost.

6. Our little girl is growing like a weed. I went away for a week, and when I come home she's got another tooth and is saying "Ma Ma" like crazy. I can't believe she's over 7 months old now.

7. Winterfest is rapidly approaching. While the trip is Nightmarish for group leaders at time, its always a very rewarding trip. So many always talk about how Winterfest is radical and liberal, but if people would go instead of judge based upon what they hear, they'd realize its really not.

8. Jeff Fisher is up for NFL Coach of the year. He deserves it, but so do the coaches of Atlanta, Miami, Arizona and a few other teams.

9. A few weeks ago, I told everyone about how I crushed a tooth eating some nachos. Well, now Kristen has a crack in one of her teeth, and is going to need a crown. Say goodbye to another $800 bucks.

10. I'm reading an excellent book right now called "QBQ! The Question Behind the Question: What to Really Ask Yourself to Eliminate Blame, Complaining, and Procrastination". Its by John G Miller.


Jason said...

The Titans really did blow that game. 4 trips to the red zone...0 points. That's why they lost, not because of poor officiating. Although, I still can't believe that the refs could blow that delay of game call. I mean, it's only the PLAYOFFS!

With LOST and A.I. coming back in the next several days, I'm uber-pumped. Good stuff.

We did, however, resist the urge to watch "24" this year. It's weird knowing that it's on and choosing not to watch it. But that last season was just ridiculously bad and I can't get behind the premise that Tony is somehow back from the dead and now he's a bad guy.

-Lane said...

Or is he the bad guy??

Jason said...

Who cares?