Wednesday, November 26, 2008

The Widick Family Tooth Story

Once upon a time, there was a family called the Widicks. They were a good family, with a daddy Widick, a mama Widick, and a little baby Widick.

One day, daddy Widick was eating a chip at a football game. He chewed it in a bad spot, and crushed his tooth. He had to go the dentist, and gave the dentist lots of dollars to fix it. Finally, after two weeks of having a metal tooth in his mouth, daddy got his new permanent tooth. It sure is shiny.

While daddy Widick was sitting in the dentist's chair, mama Widick gave daddy Widick a phone call. Mama Widick was letting daddy Widick know that little baby Widick was growing her very own, very first tooth. Much joy ensued.

For four nights in a row, little baby Widick decided she would cry and be restless during the night instead of sleep, since her very own very first tooth was about to pierce through the skin. Daddy Widick slept in the recliner rocking her, getting her to sleep for a few minutes at a time. Daddy Widick got about 5 hours for those four nights.

Daddy Widick went to his office, sitting there like a zombie. His mind would tell his fingers what to type, but his fingers just wouldn't move. He sat there hoping that tonight, little baby Widick, with her very own very first tooth would sleep through the night... be continued.


Sunny said...

I love this story! Getting those baby teeth are some of the hardest times! I hope that Josie sleeps peacefully for you guys!

Unknown said...

Good luck, Lane. I can say that I'm not looking forward to those sleepless nights.