Wednesday, April 23, 2008

65 Days

On February 19th, I consumed my last known caffeinated beverage. Since then I've had about one headache, and I typically feel much better. My goal is to slowly start phasing out carbonated beverages altogether. Right now, the only thing I drink carbonation wise is Diet Sprite (or similar). I decided not to even drink the Caffeine Free Diet Dr. Pepper, even though it was a temptation.

I chose to do this because I had to start teaching myself that I didn't need to be dependent on something like that. I have amazingly been able to have self control over the dark colas and caffeinated beverages, but I've lost a little more control on other things. I tend to overeat more, but i'm not really sure why.

Eventually, my willpower is going to have to take another step. The transparency of putting your life on a blog has a highly motivating effect on accomplishing a task.

So my next mission, will be considerably more challenging. I have decided to give up fried food. The reason this is more daunting is the fact that there are a lot of things you eat that you might not realize are fried. Therefore, it will be a lot harder to enforce this on myself. The main things I'm targeting are:

1. French Fries
2. Fried Chicken Fingers/ etc.
3. Basically anything at Cracker Barrell (sorry mom, I know you work for them, but that's all they really have to eat).

To add on to the fried food ban, I'm going to limit my fast food intake to times when it was basically intended for -- when I'm in a hurry.

Pray for me as I continue to stay off the caffeine, and as I try to kick the fried food/fast food habit.


chesley said...

Try the grilled chicken tenderloins at Cracker Barrel with some veggie.. one of my favs!

Good Luck with this! I don't eat that much fried stuff, but I don't think I could give it up altogether. Just saying that would make me want it more!

Sunny said...

Yeah for giving up the cokes. I truly believe that it is mind over matter. You can really do anything that you set your mind to do. Best of luck with the fried food. If you need motivation on the fast food restaurants, watch "SuperSize Me". That one did it for me! I went a good 2 years without eating at a single fast food restaurant (and then I got pregnant :) ). When we do eat at the fast food restaurants, I find that I am hungrier sooner (like 2 hours after eating a full meal) and that the service is SO bad that I end up getting upset with myself for spending that kind of money on ONE meal!!! I would just prefer to make my own meals to save myself the hassle of dealing with the bad food and the customers in line with me.

Jason said...

I'll do my best to hold you accountable when we go eat lunch together.