Monday, April 10, 2006

Busy Busy Busy

Hey everyone. I've been really busy for the past week, and it doesn't look like its going to slow down anytime soon.

Last week we had a wonderful men's retreat with the guys from here at Ross Road. I'm glad I got to go and had a chance to get to know some people better. It was a good weekend, with some great thoughts brought to us by our minister John Roberts.

I had an opportunity to play golf for the third time ever on Friday before the retreat. We played at Kirkwood near Holly Springs, MS. It was a rather challenging course. I think I shot like a 300...good for bowling, terrible for golf.

We also had a meeting last night with our Honduras team. Things are getting set in full motion for our trip this summer. I have been blessed with a tremendous team.

This week, I won't be posting hardly any because i'm going to be out finding items for people to donate for our Silent Auction and Dinner on April 28th. If you would like to come, let me know. Tickets are $10.00.

At the end of this week, I get to take a short, brief vacation to Land Between the Lakes with my family. I'm so excited. I get to see my nieces and nephews and sister and parents and many others!!

1 comment:

Terry Reeves said...

Hey Lane,

When are you going to Honduras this year? Are our trips going to overlap???
