I'm getting out of youth ministry.
Let me say that again: I'm getting out of youth ministry. I know some of you are in complete shock. Others of you are shaking your head in agreement. Those of you who know me understand this is the best thing for me.
Kristen and I have been very prayerful over this. Since I left a complicated situation in Memphis, TN, I have been working in a career that I was not fully comfortable doing. Youth Ministry is a wonderful calling, and it takes a very special person to do it. I, however, have been feeling a pull to go towards a different area of ministry for a while now.
We had talked to a few different churches, looking at a few different roles, when one jumped to the head of the pack. It was an Associate Minister position, in a little town called Houston, TX.
We went to visit, and fell in love with the church family, but most importantly, it seemed like the position was the perfect fit for us. We got back on a Monday, and by the time I had woken up on Tuesday, they had offered us a job. We prayed over it for a week or so, and saw other doors closing, and this one opening wider.
I will be serving as their full time Associate Minister, working with pulpit minister to fill in for him when he is gone. I will also be working with Evangelism, helping do Bible studies. I'll be teaching adult classes, particularly to young families. In addition, I'll be helping grow their small groups, be responsible for all the media and presentation for Sunday morning worship, and help out with a budding teen group.
I have enjoyed my time here in Guntersville, and there are many individuals and families here who have helped me and Kristen grow. I'll always remember it here, because this was Josie's first home. Speaking of Josie, she'll be 9 months old tomorrow. Here are a few pictures:
And of course...Josie is now mobile. Look out world!!